كتاب التبشير والاستعمار في البلاد العربية عرض لجهود المبشرين التي ترمي إلى اخضاع الشرق للاستعمار الغربي

Missionary Heroines, by E. R. Pitman, N. Y. 18
The Missionary Outlook in the Light of war and the Religious Outlook, N.Y. 1920
Mission Fields - Religions of Mission Fields as Viewed by Protestant Mission -aries, ..... 1905
Missions from the Modern View, by Robert A. Hume, N. Y. ca. 1905
The Modern Mission Century, by Arthur T. Plerson, N. Y. ca. 1901
MW - The Moslem World, A Christian Quarterly Review of Current Events, Literature and Thought among the Mohammedans, N. Y
Nashville Convention, 1906, Students and the Modern Missionary Crusades
The New Horoscope of Missions, by James Dennis, N. Y. ca. 1908
Oxford - What is the Oxford Group ? by Layman, with a Notebook, London 1933
The Pastor and Modern Missions, N. Y. 1904
Penrose - That They May Have Life, by Stephen B. L. Penrose, N. Y. 1941
The Picket Line of Missions, by W. F. McDowell, N. Y. 1897
The Present - Day Summons to the World Mission of Christianity, Nashville 1931
Report on the Lebanon Schools, Edinburg 1858 - 8
Re - Thinking Missions, by the Committee of Appraisal (Ernest Hocking. Chairman) N. Y. & London 1332
Richter - A History of the Protestant Missions in the Near East, by Julius Richter .(English Translation adapted by the Author) N. Y. 1910 Rochester Convention 1910, Students and the present Missionary Crisis, N. Y. 1910
Scherer - Mediterranean Missions 1808 - 1870, by George Scherer, Beirut
Scott - In the High Yemn, by Hugh Scott, London 1942
The Story of the American Board, Boston ca. 1910
Student Volunteer Movement for foreign Missions; Christian Students and the World Problems, N. Y. 1924
TIRM - The International Review of Mission, London & N. Y
Two Thousand years of Missions ............ , by Lemuel Call Barnes, 6th. ed, Chicago 1906
Van Ess -- Meet the Arab, by John Van Ess, N. Y. 1943
Véou - Chrétiens en Péril au Moussadagh (Enquète au Sandjak d'AIexandrette), par Paul de Véou, Paris 1939.
Ways of Sharing with other Faiths, by Daniel Johson Fleming, N. Y. 1928.
Wismar - A Study of Tolerance as practised by Muhammad and His immediate Successors, by Adolph L. Wismar, N. Y. 1927.
World Missionary Conference, 1910 N. Y. 1910
Carrying the Gospel,. 452 pages -- --
The Church in the Mission Field, 380 pages -- --
Cooperation, 241 pages -- --
Education, 471 pages -- --
History and Records of the Conference, 367 pages -- --
The home Base, 565 pages -- --
The Missionary Message, 333 pages -- --
Missions and Governments, 189 pages -- --
The Training of Teachers -- --
The world Mission of the Church : Findings and Recommandations of the International Missionary Council
Tambaram, Madras, India, Dec. 12 - 29, 1938 (N. Y. 1938

الصفحة 17