كتاب التبشير والاستعمار في البلاد العربية عرض لجهود المبشرين التي ترمي إلى اخضاع الشرق للاستعمار الغربي

World Student Christian :Federation, Report of the Conference at Robert College Constantinople, 1911
Zwemer -- Islam, a Challange to Faith, by Samuel S. Zwemer, N. Y. 1907

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وفي ما يلي مصادر نشرت بعد صدور كتابنا أو لم يتح لنا يومذاك أن أنطلع عليها. ثم يحسن أن تعلم أن هذه القائمة الجديدة كالقائمة القديمة، لا تضم كل ما صدر في موضوع التبشير والاستعمار:

BATAL, James, Assignment Near East, New York 1950
BETHMANN, Erich W., Bridge to Islam, London 1953
BINGLE, E. J., World Christian Handbook, London 1949
BUHRER, J. et P. J, André, Ce que devient L'Islam devant 1e Monde Moderne , Paris 1952
BULLARD, Sir Reader, Britain and the Middle East, New York etc, 1951
BURROWS, Millar, Palestine is our Business, Philadelphia 1950 ?
LE CHATELIER. A., La Conquète du Monde Musulman
COMMENTARY (Monthly), published by the American Jewish Committee, New York
CONGREGATION de la Mission de St. Vincent de Paul, Mémoires de la Congrégation ........ (en Afrique du Nord), 2 vols, Pars 1864
DOMINIQUE, Pierre, la Politique des Jésuites, Paris 1955
DORMAN, Harry Gaylord, Jr., Toward Understanding Islam, New York 1948
FORDER, Archibald; With the Arabs in Tent and Town, London 1902
GAIRDNER, W. H. T., The Reproach of Islam, London 1909
GOYAU, Georges, Un Précurseur : François Piquet, Consul du Louis XIV en Alep et évêque de Babylone, Paris 1942
GRUBB, Kennith G. (ed.), World Christian Handbook, London 1947
HOLDANE, James, Trekking among Moroccan Tribes, London 1948
HOSKINS, Halford L., The Middle East, New York 1954
JEANSON, Colette et Francis, L'Algérie hors de loi, 2ème. édition, Paris 1955
MASSIGNON, Louis, Annuaire du Monde Musulman, 4e édition, Paris 1955
MILLIEZ, U., La Croisade du Levant, Paris 1943
MORRISON, S.A., Middle East Survey. London 1954
MOTT, John R., Cooperation and the World Missions, New York, 1935
MOTT, John (editor), The Moslem World of To-Day, London 1925
OLIVER, Roland, The Missionary Factor in East Africa, London 1952
PADWICK, Constance E., Temple Gairdner of Cairo, London 1929
PARFIT, Joseph Thomas, Among the Druzes of Lebanon and Bashan, London 1917
PATTON, Cornilius H., The Business of Missions, New York, 1924
POTTIER, René, Le Cardinal Lavigerie, Paris 1947

الصفحة 18