كتاب إدارة الوقت من المنظور الإسلامي والإداري

ثامناً: المراجع الأجنبية:
90. ... Bon and Gregory, Techniques Marketing, Vuibert, Paris,1986.
91. ... Clark, J. and susan, How To Make The Most Of Your Work Day, N. Y: career Press,1994.
92. ... Drucker, P., The Effective Executive, N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1982.
93. ... Fayol, H., General And Industrial Management, N.Y: Pitman Pub. Co.,Marshal:1949.
94. ... Helmer, P. E, Time Management for Engineers and Constructors, New York:American Society of Civil Engineers, 1991.
95. ... Mackenzie,R.A., New Time Management Methods, London: The Darnell Corporation,1990.
96. ... Mackenzie, M., and A. Mackenzie, Investing Time For Maximum Return Iowa:American Media Publishing,1997.
97. ... McCay,J., The Management of Time, Prentice Hall INC., N. J.: 1995.
98. ... Muna, Farid, The Arab Executive, St. Martin Press, N.Y. 1980.
99. ... Stewart, R. M., Managers And Their Jobs, McGraw Hill Co., N. Y.: 1967.
100. ... Taylor, F., Shop Management, Harper and Brothers, INC., N. Y.:1903.
101. ... Webster,s New World, College Dictionary, Macmillan,USA, 1997.

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