كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

* Figurative expression; Sens figure, metaphore
/ 1456/ المجاز
* Figurative meaning; Sens figure
/ 688/ الحقيقة القاصرة
* Figure in geomancy; Figure en geomancie
/ 1300/ قبض الخارج
* Figure in geomancy; Figure en geomancie
/ 1300/ قبض الداخل
* Figure in geomancy; Figure en geomancie
/ 1536/ المسدود
* Figure in geomancy; Figure en geomancie
/ 1726/ نقي الخدّ
* Figure of geomancy; Figure en geomancie
/ 1700/ نصرة الدّاخل
* Figure of speech consisting of naming many objects and accompanying every- one by an adequate adjective; Figure de style qui consiste a nommer plusieur objets et a faire accompagner chacun d'un adjectif adequat
/ 1409/ اللّف والنّشر
* Figure of speech consisting of naming many objects and accompanying every one by an adequate adjective, prose; Figure de style qui consiste a nommer plusieurs objets et a faire accompagner chacun d'un adjectif adequat, prose.
/ 1695/ النّشر
* Figure of superposed three lines and a point; Figure de trois lignes et un point superposes
/ 286/ الأنكيس
* Figures of sciences( human feelings ); Les figures des sciences) les sentiments de l'homme (
/ 862/ رسوم العلوم ورقوم العلوم
* Final horizon, unveiling of the divine
presence; Horizon final, devoilement de la presence divine
/ 241/ الأفق المبين
* Find, foundling; Objet ramasse, enfant trouve
/ 1413/ اللّقيط
* Finding, waif, find; Trouvaille, objet trouve par terre
/ 1413/ اللّقطة
* Fine stok of inspiration( in poetry ); Bonne trouvaille) en poesie (
/ 509/ التّمليح
* Fine, thin, subtle; Fin, mince, subtil
/ 871/ الرّقيقة
* Finger, one sixth; Doigt, une sixieme
/ 211/ الإصبع
* Fir; Sapin
/ 954/ سروي
* Firefly, misanthrope; Luciole, misanthrope
/ 1332/ القطرب
* First accent, prelude to a fever; Permier accent, prelude d'une fievre
/ 859/ الرّس
* First chapter of the Koran, the first seven chapters of the Koran, the Koran; Premier chapitre du coran, les sept premiers chapitres du Coran, Coran
/ 926/ السّبع المثاني
* First hemistich; Premier hemistiche
/ 1070/ الصّدر
* First intellect; Premier intellect
/ 1152/ الظلّ الأول
* First intellect, active intellect, God; Premier intellect, intellect agent, Dieu
/ 1431/ المبدأ الفيّاض
* First letter in fortume- telling; Premiere lettre en onomancie
/ 904/ الزّبر
* First letter of a word or a verb; Premiere lettre du mot ou du verbe
/ 1260/ الفاء
* First parallax; Le parallaxe
/ 118/ الاختلاف

الصفحة 2077