كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

disjonction, jeu prosodique
/ 530/ التّوشيح
* Just, fair, correct, saintly; Juste, droit, saint
/ 1074/ الصديق
* Just, fair, true, righteous; Juste, vrai, droit
/ 1098/ الصّواب
* Justice, equality, intention; Justice, ega- lite, intention
/ 988/ السّواء
* Justice, equity; Justice, equite
/ 1166/ العدالة
K* Kalam( islamic rational or dogmatic theology ); Le Kalam) theologie dogma- tique ou rationnelle musulmane (
/ 1231/ علم الكلام
* Kalam( moslem rational theology ); Le Kalam) theologie dogmatique ou ration- nelle musulmane (
/ 1230/ علم التّوحيد والصفات
* Khabab( a metre in prosody ), trot; Khabab) metre en prosodie (, trot
/ 735/ الخبب
* Khaoaqua( Egyptian mouth ); Khaoaqua) mois egyptien (
/ 766/ خواقه
* Khudad mah( persian month ); Khurdad mah) mois perse (
/ 742/ خرداد ماه
* kihic( Egyptian month ); kihic) mois egyptien (
/ 1397/ كيهك
* Kingdom, spiritual world; Royaute, roy- aume, monde spirituel
/ 1642/ الملكوت
* Kneeling, genflexion; Agenouillement, genuflexion
/ 873/ الرّكوع
* Knot, figure composed of two lines and two points( geomancy ); Noeud, figure composee de deux lignes et deux points) en geomancie (
/ 1202/ العقلة
* Knot, zenith and nadir; Noeud, zenith et nadir
/ 1193/ العقدة
* Knoweledge; Connaissance
/ 211/ آشنائى
* Knowledge; Connaissance
/ 1583/ المعرفة
* Knowledge, feats, wonders; Connaissan- ces, exploits, merveilles
/ 1123/ طامات
* Knowledge, science, understanding; Sa- voir, science, connaissance
/ 1219/ العلم
* Known, learned; Connu, appris, patent
/ 1591/ المعروف
* Known, learned, active verb; Connu, appris, verbe actif
/ 1594/ المعلوم
L* Labial; Labial
/ 1036/ الشّفتان
* Lachrimatory; Lacrimatoire
/ 348/ البولتان
* Lamb, Aries; Agneau, belier
/ 716/ الحمل
* Lament, precision and concision; Complainte, precision et concision
/ 547/ جامع الكلام
* Land tax, tribute, crop, harvest; Impot foncier, tribut, taxe, recolte, moisson
/ 741/ الخراج
* Language; Langue
/ 1408/ اللّغة
* Latecomer( to the prayer ); Retardataire) lors de la priere (
/ 1528/ المسبوق
* Late, following, next, ulterior; Suivant, ulterieur
/ 1399/ اللاحق
* Lateness, delay, setback; Retard, recul
/ 365/ التأخّر
* Laugh; Rire
/ 1110/ الضّحك
* Law, religious law; Loi, loi religieuse
/ 1018/ الشّرع

الصفحة 2089