كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

* Observation; Observation
/ 1639/ الملاحظة
* Observation of the divine law; Observa- tion stricte de la loi divine
/ 682/ حفظ العهد
* Obstruction, embolism; Obstruction, embolie
/ 941/ السّدّة
* Obvious signification of the letters of the alphabet; Signification evidente des lettres de l'alphabet
/ 1248/ الغرائز
* Occultation, proportion; Occultation, proportion
/ 680/ حصّة الكوكب
* Octagon; Octagone
/ 1455/ المثمّن
* October; Octobre
/ 446/ تشرين الاول
* Ointments; Pommades, baumes
/ 1544/ المسوحات
* Ojonge( Turkish mouth ); Ojonje) mois turc (
/ 289/ اوجونج
* Old, aged; Age, avance en age
/ 1542/ المسن
* Old man; Vieil homme
/ 359/ پ ير
* Old woman, old man; Vieille femme, vieillard
/ 1165/ العجوز
* Omen, good omen; Augure, bon augure
/ 1242/ العيافة
* Omission, cut; Omission, coupure
/ 246/ الاقتطاع
* Omission, ellipsis; Omission, retranche- ment, ellipse
/ 631/ الحذف
* Omission of the preposition; Omission de la preposition
/ 640/ الحذف والإيصال
* One hour; Heure
/ 922/ السّاعة
* One twelfth of a day, time; Un douzieme d'un jour, temps
/ 607/ چ اغ
* One who has a blue eye and a black one; line composed of a word the letters of which retain their points followed by
another the letters of which lack their points; Qui a un oeil bleu et l'autre noir, vers compose d'un mot a points diacriti- ques suivi d'un autre qui en est depourvu
/ 772/ الخيفاء
* One who looses his foreteeth, camel in its 6 th year; Qui perd ses dents de devant, chameau dans sa 6 e annee
/ 542/ الثّني
* One who takes the place of another; Tenant- lieu
/ 314/ البدل
* One year calf; Veau d'un an
/ 378/ التبيع
* One year old camel; Chemelle d'un an
/ 347/ بنت المخاض
* One year old camel; Chammelle de lait
/ 90/ ابنة المخاض
* Oozing, sweating, exudation; Suintement, exsudation, suage
/ 1179/ العرق المدني
* Operation of onomancy( fortune- telling by letters ); Operation d'onomancie
/ 909/ الزّمام
* Opinion, belief, dogma; Opinion, croyance, dogme
/ 230/ الاعتقاد
* Opposition; Opposition
/ 474/ التعاند
* Opposition; Opposition
/ 495/ التقابل
* Opposition, contradiction; Opposition, contradiction
/ 473/ التعارض
* Opposition, contradiction, dispute; Op- position, contradiction, contestation
/ 1571/ المعارضة

موسوعة كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم ج 2 2099 \ G\ 200 xednI hsilgnE\ G\ 000 ..... ص: 2045

1571/ المعارضة
* Opposition, reciprocity, oxymoron; Op- position, reciprocite, oxymoron
/ 1619/ المقابلة
* Optic nerve, optic lobe; Nerf optique, lobe optique
/ 1474/ مجمع النّور
* Optional religious practices; Pratiques

الصفحة 2098