كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

sciences( la logique )
/ 729/ خادم العلوم
* Servant of the compassionate; Serviteur du compatissant
/ 1162/ عبد الرحيم
* Servant of the Generous; Serviteur du Genereux
/ 1163/ عبد الكريم
* Servant of the Mighty; Serviteur du Puissant
/ 1162/ عبد العزيز
* Servants of God; Serviteurs de Dieu
/ 1161/ العبادلة
* Service, activity, function; Service, acti- vite, fonction
/ 740/ الخدمة
* Setting; Couches
/ 1604/ مغيب الاعتدال
* Setting of a star or a planet; Etoile ou planete qui se couche
/ 1730/ النّوء
* Sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, direct action; Copulation, coit, action directe
/ 1427/ المباشرة
* Sexually impotent; Impuissant sexuellement
/ 1242/ العنّين
* Shadow; Ombre
/ 1149/ الظّل
* Shadow of God( perfect man ); Ombre de Dieu) homme parfait (
/ 1152/ ظلّ الإله
* Shadow, tribute, taxation, imposition; Ombre, tribut, imposition
/ 1293/ الفيء
* Shaheryor( Persian month ); Chaheryor) mois perse (
/ 1044/ شهريور
* Sharecropping, crop sharing; Affermage, metayage
/ 1523/ المزارعة
* Share- tenancy; Bail a complant
/ 1526/ المساقاة
* Sheep with a cut throat, offertory, sacrifice; Bete egorgee, offrande, sacrifice
/ 822/ الذّبيحة
* Sheik, chief, guide, master; Cheikh, chef, guide, maitre
/ 1049/ الشّيخ
* Shelf; Etagere, rayon
/ 1078/ الصّفّة
* Shifat( February in Hebrew calender ); Chifat) Fevrier dans le calendrier juif (
/ 1037/ شفط نام
* Shiver, shudder; Frisson, tremblement
/ 868/ الرّعشة
* Shortening, concision; Ecourtement, concision
/ 245/ الاقتضاب
* Shortening, laundering, arrest, confine- ment, castle, palace; Ecourtement, blan- chissement d'habit, arret, emprisonnement, chateau, palais
/ 1320/ القصر
* Shortness of breath; Essouflement, respi- ration difficile
/ 347/ البهر
* Short sightdness, manifestation, incarna- tion; Myopie, manifestation, incarnation
/ 1182/ العشوة
* Short vowel a; Voyelle a breve
/ 1263/ الفتح
* Shutter, leaf, hemistich; Battant d'une porte, hemistiche
/ 1558/ المصراع
* Sick; Malade, maladif
/ 959/ السّقيم
* Sick, ill; Malade, patient
/ 1515/ المريض
* Sickness of humour; Maladie de l'humeur
/ 988/ سوء المزاج
* Side; Cote
/ 547/ الجانب
* Side; Cote
/ 922/ الساق
* Side, direction; Cote, direction
/ 598/ الجهة
* Sidiment, remainder; Sediment, residus
/ 1254/ الغمام
* Siege, blockade; Siege, blocus
/ 679/ الحصار
* Sight, vision, consideration, meditation, position, thought, reflection; Vue, consi- deration, meditation, position, pensee, reflexion
/ 1704/ النظر

الصفحة 2115