كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

* Supplementary consonant; Consonne supplementaire
/ 131/ الإذالة
* Supplement, surplus, spoils, booty, bas- tard; Supplement, surplus, butin, batard
/ 1721/ النّفل
* Supply, reinforcement; Renfort, armee
/ 1501/ المدد
* Support forces; Forces de soutien
/ 854/ الرّدء
* Suppositories; Suppositoires
/ 1490/ المحمولات
* Suppression( in prosody ); Suppression) en prosodie (
/ 1359/ الكبل
* Suppression of a syllable( in prosody ); Suppression d'une syllable) en prosodie (
/ 1185/ العضب
* Suppression of a syllable( prosody ); Retranchement d'une syllabe) prosodie (
/ 742/ الخرب
* Suppression of a syllable( prosody ); Retranchement d'une syllabe) prosodie (
/ 742/ الخرم
* Suppression of a syllable( prosody ); Retranchement d'une syllabe) prosodie (
/ 743/ الخزل
* Suppression of a vowel; Suppression d'une voyelle
/ 1182/ العصب
* Suppression of two syllables( in prosody ); Suppression de deux syllabes) en prosodie (
/ 1193/ العقص
* Supreme Judge( God ); Le Juge supreme) Dieu (
/ 610/ الحاكم
* Sure propositions, absolute propositions, principles, axioms, sensible objects, innate ideas; Propositions certaines, pro- positions apodictiques, principes, axiomes,
objets sensibles, idees innees
/ 1813/ اليقينيات
* Surface, area; Surface, superficie
/ 954/ السّطح
* Surface surrounded by two circles; Sur- face entouree par deux cercles
/ 955/ السّطح المطوق
* Surgery; Chirurgie
/ 1008/ الشّجّ
* Surname, metonymy; Surnom, metonymie
/ 1390/ الكنية
* Surname, sobriquet; Surnom, sobriquet
/ 1413/ اللّقب
* Surpassing, transitivity of a verb; Depas- sement, transivite d'un verbe
/ 476/ التّعدية
* Surplus, annex, prolixity; Surplus, annexe, prolixite
/ 505/ التّكميل
* surplus, superfluous, adverb, participle; Surplus, superflu, adverbe, participe
/ 1278/ الفضلة
* Surveillance, control; Surveillance, controle
/ 1573/ المعانقة
* Surveillance, control, observation; Sur- veillance, controle, observation
/ 1506/ المراقبة
* Survival; Survie
/ 342/ البقاء
* Suspension, end; Cessation, fin
/ 284/ الانقطاع
* Suspicion; Soupcon, suspicion
/ 1005/ الشّبهة
* Suspicion, opinion, idea, presumption, assumption; Soupcon, suspicion, opinion, idee, presomption
/ 1153/ الظّن
* Sweeting of a weak letter; Adoucissement d'une lettre faible
/ 233/ الإعلال
* Swelling; Gonflement
/ 521/ التّهبّج
* Swelling, fleshy; Gonflement, charnu
/ 409/ التربل
* Syllable, stanza; Syllabe, strophe
/ 1631/ المقطع
* Syllepsis; Syllepse
/ 1007/ شبيه الاشتقاق

الصفحة 2120