كتاب كشاف اصطلاحات الفنون والعلوم (اسم الجزء: 2)

* Veil, obstacle; Voile, obstacle
/ 1723/ النّقاب
* Veils, curtains; Voiles, rideaux
/ 929/ الستائر
* Vena cava; Veine cave
/ 106/ الأجوف
* Verbal noun; Nom verbal
/ 194/ اسم الفعل
* Verb composed of three consonants; Verbe compose de 3 consonnes
/ 539/ الثّلاثي
* Verb, deed, action; Verbe, action
/ 1280/ الفعل
* Verb including two weak letters( vowels ); Verbe renferment deux lettres faibles) voyelles (
/ 1412/ اللّفيف
* Verbs of doubt and certitude; Les verbes de doute et de certitude
/ 236/ أفعال القلوب
* Verbs of near action; Les verbes de l'action proche
/ 237/ أفعال المقاربة
* Verbs of praise and dispraise; Les verbes de louange et de blame
/ 236/ أفعال المدح والذم
* Verb which shows the radical of another one; Verbe qui montre le radical d'un autre verbe
/ 1602/ المغالبة
* Verdict, judgement, government, power; Verdict, jugement, gouvernement, pouvoir
/ 693/ الحكم
* Verification of proofs; Verification des preuves
/ 402/ التدقيق
* Verification, realization, divine manifes- tation; Verification, realisation, manifes- tation divine
/ 392/ التّحقيق
* Verse, signe; Verset, signe
/ 75/ الآية
* Versification; Versification
/ 426/ تركيب بند
* Versification of the prose; Versification de la prose
/ 1710/ نظم النّثر
* Vertebra, paragraph; Vertebre, paragraphe
/ 1281/ الفقرة
* Vertigo, blackout, dizziness, seasickness; Vertige, etourdissement, mal de mer
/ 808/ الدّوار
* Vertigo, whirling, trouble of the sight; Verttige, tournoiement, trouble de vue
/ 941/ السّدر
* Vertue, chastity; Vertu, chastete
/ 1192/ العفّة
* Very clever or gifted people; Les surdoues
/ 844/ رجال الغيب
* Very much, Velocity; Beaucoup, velocite
/ 347/ بهت
* Violation, perfidy; Violation, infamie, perfidie
/ 286/ الإهانة
* Virgin; Vierge
/ 342/ البكر
* Viscosity; Viscosite
/ 1405/ اللزوجة
* Visible, manifest, exterior; Apparent, manifeste, exterieur
/ 1144/ الظّاهر
* Vision, donation; Vision, don
/ 1752/ الواقعة
* Vision, reverie, fantasm, dream; Vision, reverie, fantasme, reve
/ 886/ الرؤيا
* Visit of an inhabited place, visit of holy places( Makka ); Visite d'un lieu peuple, visite des lieux saints) Mecque (
/ 1233/ العمرة
* Vivification, resurrection; Vivification, resurrection
/ 114/ الإحياء
* Vocalization of the »hamza«; Vocalisa- tion de la »hamza«
/ 432/ التسهيل
* Voice; Voix
/ 1098/ الصّوت
* Volontay; Volontaire
/ 307/ بازوي
* Volume; Volume
/ 622/ الحجم
* Voluntary consent, approval; Consente- ment volontaire, approbation
/ 865/ الرّضاء
* Voluntary good action; Bienfaisance volontaire
/ 1685/ النّدب

الصفحة 2129