* Wind, reason, intellect; Vent, raison, intellect
/ 1194/ العقل
* Wine, taste, enjoyment, joy; Vin, gout, jouissance, joie
/ 1672/ مي
* Wing; Aile
/ 587/ الجناح
* Wink, divine manifestation; Clin d'oeil, manifestation divine
/ 1362/ كرشمه
* Wink, emanation; Clin d'oeil, emanation
/ 1255/ غمزة
* Wisdom, philosophy; Sagesse, philosophie
/ 701/ الحكمة
* Wiseman, philosopher; sage, philosophe
/ 701/ الحكيم
* Wish; Souhait
/ 509/ التّمنّي
* Witchcraft, magic; Sorcellerie, magie
/ 994/ سيميا
* Without effect; Sans effet
/ 1170/ عدم التأثير
* Witnesses of the True; Les temoins du Vrai
/ 1044/ الشّهود
* Witness, example; Temoin, exemple
/ 1002/ الشّاهد
* Witnessing, seeing; Vue, vision
/ 1545/ المشاهدة
* Witticism, soul, reason, stroke of inspira- tion; Trait d'esprit, ame raisonnable ou pensante
/ 1407/ اللّطيفة
* Woman arrived to the period of meno- pause; Femme qui a atteint la menopause
/ 78/ الآيسة
* Woman without dowry, Al- Mufawida( sect ); Femme sans dot, Al- Mufawida) secte (
/ 1618/ المفوّضة
* Word followed by an exception or a subtraction; Mot suivi d'une exception ou d'une soustraction
/ 1529/ المستثنى منه
* Word forming a stop; Mot constituant un arret
/ 1485/ محتمل المحلين
* Word introduced in Arabic; Arabise
/ 1582/ المعرّب
* Word of which one genuine letter is the »hamza«; Mot dont une des lettes est le »hamza«
/ 1664/ المهموز
* Word of which the original meaning was modified; Mot dont on a modifie le sens originel
/ 1509/ المرتجل
* Word, speach; Parole, discours
/ 941/ سخن
* Word, speech; Parole, mot, discours
/ 1375/ الكلمة
* Word which is followed in a declension; Mot suivi dans une declinaison
/ 1435/ المتبوع
* World, universe, cosmos; Monde, univers, cosmos
/ 1157/ العالم
* Worshipper, devout; Adorateur, devot
/ 1156/ العابد
* Worshipping, devoutness; Adoration, devotion
/ 1161/ العبادة
* Wrath; Colere
/ 744/ خشم
* Writing, handwriting; Ecriture, calligraphie
/ 746/ الخط
* Written but not pronouced letter, pre- dicative negative proposition; Lettre ecrite mais non prononcee, proposition predicative negative
/ 1580/ المعدولة
* Written sciences; Les sciences ecrites
/ 1233/ العلوم المدوّنة
* Wrong in a sale; Lesion dans une vente
/ 1246/ الغبن