كتاب منهج دراسة الأديان بين الشيخ رحمت الله الهندي والقس فندر

the attacking process and confrontation. This will be very beneficial to who search for the right without entering a debate for only a debate and is considered as closing controversy; as it is considered as an extension of controversy from another side as it is a scientific research methodology.
- This media is published on the internet on closed rooms for chatting; because the topic is not only rude text, but it is a text of spirit enters that enters man.
- The electronic controversy includes brief explanation of Islam, and its faith, approach, with the inclusion of photos and videos ... etc. It should also has a multiple answers of all inquiries of all other religions and replies to them. The electronic library will direct the person to a specific according to his educational level and strength of discourse "smart routing way."
- Collect the scientific material for RahmatoAllahi and his responses to each partial in the form of an audio file and video.Working on the same subject rather than the study. The reader will select what is related according to the subject, for example: the Koran or the year ... etc.
- Divided sects by level, in addition to the study of Islam which will be optional, but concerning Christians they should are stick to the facts of the controversy that took place between RahmatoAllahi and Phandar, till now Christians haven't been able to provide any answers on what resulted from the controversy to prove the twisted of their book.
- The neglection of the facts of that there are no answers for the previous inquires on Christians and move another controversy will lead to raise up new topics and terms and raising up a debate that of no benefits .

The selection of characters as Ibn Tymia and Remond Loul due to their great on the Islamic and Christians people and put rules for people to move on. Ibn Hazm and Dominicans and Franciscan have started these rules as these considered the first one to create these science, but I select to choose who had the most power and determine methodology to move on. For my choice for Didiat and zomier, Clinton and zakria potross, this is due my affection ofRahmatoAllahi and Phandar as a middle way between who came before them and who came after them and had a strong affection and determined methodology.

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