كتاب قرينة السياق ودورها في التقعيد النحوي والتوجيه الإعرابي في كتاب سيبويه

prominent context's elements which Sibawayh paid attention to it .
- The title of the second chapter's research is "A methodical and procedural steps befor laying dwon the syntactical rules , and the declensional guiding . In this research , I made mention of the systematic steps of Sibawayh which he followed . It is summarized in four elements:
a. Classifying the language into a abstracted and stereotyped structures .
b. Numerical computation for the abstracted and stereotyped structures .
c. Tracing the definitive , lingual structure different contexts and binding the lingual structures with the meaning of these contexts .
d. Living with the lingualstructures in its pronounced texts .
The three following chapters in the thesis brought forward the scientific dentations from Sibawayh's Kitab . These dentations verify the effects of context on Sibawayh's laying dwon the syntactical rules . So , the title of the second chapter was "the context's role in declensional guiding" . It contained the succeeding researches:
1) " context's importance in declensional guiding" . I indicated in this research that there are declensional structures do not be correct, it has not an entity, and we can not guide it declensionally but through context's evidence . I named that Sibawayh exploited the context in his declensional guiding . In this research, I stated that thecontext may be a reference to the pronoun in case of nonexistence of linguistic reference . I also cited that we will fail to take advantage of context, if we do not exploit it in our lingual analyzation .
2) The second research in this chapter: "Enrichment of context for semantic , and declensional guiding . Deeply,I discussed in this chapter the role of context in enrichment of declensional guiding . I repoted here that the speaker's condition , his silence's potentialitydeclensional guiding , his will, and his psychological

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