كتاب السيرة النبوية بين الآثار المروية والآيات القرآنية

Issue 2 : About His words [interpreted as] "", with an analysis of the Ayah / verse, mention of innate and acquired morals, and proof that his morals were innate.

Issue 3 : Analyzing His words [interpreted as] "".

Section Two was dedicated to a presentation of some of the rights due to him (peace be upon him) as commanded by Allah the Exalted. This includes :

Issue 1 : The command to ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and an analysis of His words [interpreted as] "".

Issue 2 : Analyzing His words [interpreted as] "".

Issue 3 : The obligation to obey him (peace be upon him).

Section Three discusses his infallibility through :

Issue 1 : The meaning of infallibility.

Issue 2 : The story of Yusuf (peace be upon him) as related to infallibility.

Issue 3 : A number of Ayahs / verses revealed with regards to the infallibility of Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The research them moves on to Chapter 2, which is about the Messenger (peace be upon him) in Makkah. This chapter also comprises three sections :

Section One : An account of the period from his birth to the start of his mission (peace be upon him). Here, his lineage and nursing

الصفحة 622