كتاب المقاصد القرآنية في سورة «ق» - مجلة تدبر

the research) discusses the general meaning of the chapter in question, together with its supporting evidence, its sub-themes and the meditative consideration of its verses.
Main Findings:
The research concludes that the chapter of Q?f deals with several primary issues related to the Islamic faith, confirming certain religious fundamentals, including belief in Allah (Exalted be He), His angels, His sacred books, His prophets, the Doomsday, and predestination and gives a complete picture of man's life. That's why the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was always keen on reciting it on formal occasions.
Primary Recommendations:
- Special attention should be given to the chapter of Q?f in terms of recitation and meditation.
- It should be recited during the Friday Sermon and the Eid prayer to revive the Prophet's established tradition.
- The Quranic objectives of the various chapters should be studied, particularly those chapters which the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) recited regularly.
Key Words: Quranic objectives- meditative consideration-interpretation -the chapter of Qaf- the Meccan chapters-al-mufassal.

الصفحة 28